
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Donna Barber: Bread for the Resistance
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews educator and youth advocate, Donna Barber. In this conversation Donna shares how she clings to Jesus in the midst of pursuing justice and the way this spilled over into her book Bread for the Resistance: 40 Devotions for Justice People. In sharing her own journey in justice work, Donna guides us back to Christ as the source of hope.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Kathleen Cahalan: Calling All Years Good
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
"The particularity of our contexts shape both the way that we hear our callings and the way we respond to it.” — Kathleen Cahalan
Listen in on an exclusive peek into our book club as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Jasmine Obeyesekere conducts the final online discussion with author and professor Kathleen Cahalan. Together, they discuss the challenge of discerning one's calling throughout the various seasons of life and the good work God has for us to do in each of those time periods.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Aundi Kolber: Try Softer
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews author and therapist Aundi Kolber about her newly released book Try Softer: A Fresh Approach to Move Us out of Anxiety, Stress, and Survival Mode — and into a Life of Connection and Joy. Together, they discuss how we can shift from a life of a “try harder” mentality and to learn to love ourselves — mind, soul, and body — as beloved ones of Christ.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Sheila Wise Rowe: Healing Racial Trauma
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews counselor and author Sheila Wise Rowe about her newly released book Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience. Through her knowledge, wisdom, and experiences, Sheila walks the listener through the pain of being silenced, to lament, toward healing from racial trauma.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
2019 Year in Review: All Shall Be Well in 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik reviews a sampling of 2019's episodes!
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Amanda Benckhuysen: Good News for Women
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions director Karen Guzmán interviews author and Biblical scholar Amanda W. Benckhuysen, discussing her new book The Gospel According to Eve: A History of Women's Interpretation in which she explores scholarship written by women over several centuries and considers its implications for Biblical interpretation.
Amanda W. Benckhuysen (PhD, University of St. Michael's College, Toronto) is Johanna K. And Martin J. Wyngaarden Senior professor of Old Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary and a researcher in biblical interpretation and reception history.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Rachael Denhollander: How Much is a Girl Worth?
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
"I had to look at what it was going to cost me personally, and what it was going to cost my family...And on the other side were little girls who needed to be saved and women who needed to be set free and know the truth. And they were worth more than what it was going to cost." -Rachael Denhollander
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews attorney, educator, advocate, and survivor Rachael Denhollander. In this conversation, we discuss Rachael's courage, vision, and purpose behind her bold activism in encouraging our culture to listen to the voices of sexual abuse survivors to bring justice and systemic change.
Rachael Denhollander became known internationally as the first woman to file a police report and speak publicly against USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar, one of the most prolific sexual abusers in recorded history. As a result of her activism, over 250 women came forward as survivors of Nassar’s abuse, leading to his life imprisonment. Additionally, her courageous tenacity and ongoing advocacy helped trigger a complete upheaval at both USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University where former executives and high-ranking officials face numerous criminal charges for their complicity in covering up Nassar’s abuse and lying about what they knew.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Michelle Reyes: Narrative Justice and the Art of Story
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews Dr. Michelle Reyes who holds a Ph.D in German literature with a focus on folklore including women’s writing, storytelling, and feminist revisions. Currently living in Austin, TX, and ministering alongside her husband in an urban, multicultural church serving the disadvantaged, minority communities, Michelle shares how her study of story continues to shape the way she experiences her faith as she works to bring hope and healing to others. In this rich conversation, Michelle discusses the concept of narrative justice, as well as how she sees Jesus at work in the midst of our stories.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Catherine McNiel: Hope in This Messy Abundant World
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
“I think that true hope, that thing inside our spirits that we are clinging to and growing towards, with God’s help, is what we cling to in the deepest darkest times. It’s what keeps us going until the dawn, until spring.” — Catherine McNiel
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews Catherine McNiel. In this conversation, we discuss personal spiritual disciplines, the challenge to stay attentive in the midst of a busy life, the importance of community, and other gems found in her most recent book. Through a timely social media connection over our shared admiration of Luci Shaw’s work, as well as the quote from St. Julian of Norwich, this interview with Catherine came to be. Join us as Catherine shares her hope for new life and restoration that is found in Jesus- a hope that is not idyllic, but recognizes the depth of suffering and injustice in the world.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Joyce del Rosario: A Potluck Theology
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews Filipino American theologian Dr. Joyce del Rosario. In this conversation, we discuss her ministry to teen moms, plus thoughts around ethnicity, good food, and the process of recording the unique theological contributions of the Filipino community.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Phileena Heuertz: Contemplative Activism
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
In July at The Well, we had the opportunity to share excerpts from a book we enjoyed and learned from this year. We caught up with Phileena Heuertz, author of Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation, to chat about her journey from justice work to contemplation and the “mixed life” for this episode of the podcast. One of the reasons we were attracted to this book is the number of women we meet who have been formed in their relationships with Phileena and her work in the world and with prayer. We hope you learn from her invitation to contemplation as well.
To conclude our summer special at The Well, join us in listening in on our interview with contemplative activist Phileena Heuertz as she offers thoughts on the way she avoids burnout and finds Christ as the source of her strength through contemplative practices.
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Luci Shaw: Something New Ahead
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
“So, awareness and response — I think this is where the Holy Spirit of God really works very powerfully for me, sort of awakening me, keeping me aware, keeping me open. There is always something new ahead — and I’m saying that as a 90-year-old woman. I’m hoping that life continues to open itself to me — and this is a work of God’s Spirit.” — Luci Shaw
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews poet Luci Shaw as they touch on topics around creativity, death, nature, and the friendships of women — with reflections on Luci's own close friendship with author Madeleine L'Engle. (Bonus: Luci reads several of her freshest poems for our enjoyment.)
For show notes or more information please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Each semester, InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions hosts an online book club with content related to discipleship in our vocational lives. This spring semester book club was spent discussing the book Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women by Dr. Elaine Storkey. On this special episode, Women in the Academy and Professions' Jasmine Obeyesekere interviews Dr. Elaine Storkey for the finale of the spring semester online book club. Please be aware that the interview includes details related to violence against women, including sexual assault and intimate partner violence, and may be triggering to some listeners.
For more information about the interview or to find out more information on how to be part of future book clubs with Women in the Academy and Professions, please visit our article at The Well.
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
A Call to Unity in Christ: An Interview with Lisa Sung
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions Associate Caroline Triscik interviews Dr. Elizabeth "Lisa" Sung. Sharing about her recent experiences as the evangelical scholar in residence at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Lisa brings hope for unity in the Church, as well as her thoughts on race, ethnicity, and gender related to her dissertation research. Lisa also shares her vision for the ecumenical church, the relationship between spiritual and theological formation, and engaging in beneficial spiritual practices to remain connected with Jesus as a woman in academia.
For show notes or more information please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/call-unity-christ-interview-lisa-sung
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Monday May 06, 2019
In Awareness and Wonder: An Interview with Susanna Childress
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews author, poet, and English professor Susanna Childress. Susanna offers her thoughts on finding wonder and awe in the midst of everyday life in her roles in academia and as a mother and wife. Susanna also shares with us her intensely personal story of the loss of her third son late in the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as navigating that grief while in her journey into tenured faculty position. Finally, we discuss the gift of entering into sorrow and suffering together.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/awareness-and-wonder-interview-susanna-childress
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wheat: A Holy Week Reading by Stephanie Gehring
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
For this special Holy Thursday episode, listen in as Stephanie Gehring performs a reading of her piece Wheat.
For the written version of Wheat or information about the author please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/spiritual-formation/wheat
If you'd like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Monday Apr 08, 2019
Starting a Revolution: An Interview with Sandra Maria Van Opstal
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews preacher, liturgist, and activist Sandra Maria Van Opstal. In addition to offering her thoughts on justice and its relationship to corporate worship, Sandra shares her vision for mutuality in the Church, her experience as a woman in seminary, and her strategies for managing life as a busy working mother.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/starting-revolution-interview-sandra-maria-van-opstal
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Maps to Guide Us: An Interview with Lisa Deam
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
In this episode, Women in the Academy and Professions Associate Caroline Triscik interviews author and speaker Lisa Deam about her book, A World Transformed: Exploring the Spirituality of Medieval Maps. With a Ph.D. in late medieval art history from the University of Chicago, Lisa brings knowledge and passion about medieval maps and through this lens invites us to explore our own spiritual formation and pilgrimage toward Jerusalem with Christ's death and resurrection at the center.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/maps-guide-us-interview-lisa-deam
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Asking God to Be God: An Interview with Dr. Amey Victoria Adkins-Jones
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
In this episode, Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews professor and minister Dr. Amey Victoria Adkins-Jones. They discuss her research on Mary, the mother of God, explore the age-old question of why God allows suffering, and touch on a bit of everything in between. Offering her personal spiritual insights and professional expertise, Amey Victoria gives us a glimpse of her journey to become a professor of theology and African studies and why she continues in her vocation even in the midst of challenges.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/asking-god-be-god-interview-dr-amey-victoria-adkins-jones
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Walking with God in the Business World: An Interview with Janeen Uzzell
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews Janeen Uzzell. With more than 20 years investment of corporate, strategy, business development, and start–up experience, both in the U.S. and abroad, Janeen offers her insight, wisdom, and personal perspective related to integrating vocation and faith in Jesus. In this episode Janeen expresses how both her ambition and God’s call on her life have shaped her career path. She also shares several of the challenges she has faced being a woman of color in technology and how she senses Christ’s presence in the midst of her entire vocation.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/walking-god-business-world-interview-janeen-uzzell
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!