
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Research for the Good of Education: An Interview with Dr. Ruth López Turley
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
After years of conducting education research that never made it into the hands of those who needed it, Dr. Ruth López Turley sought a new avenue for meaningful work. Presented with the resources to start something new and bolstered by a transformational encounter with God in a monastery, Ruth embarked on a journey to create reform in research, bringing the beginnings of change to a significantly broken education system. Listen in on our conversation with Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik and Dr. Ruth López Turley as she shares about the intersection of her faith, her career, and family life.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/research-good-education-interview-ruth-l-pez-turley
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Love Your Neighbor: An Interview with Kate Denson
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Complete with the background sounds of the city, as well as Kate's infant son, in this episode Women in the Academy and Professions Associate Caroline Triscik interviews Kate Denson, director of DC Urban Programs InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and founder of DC Justice Tours, shares her experiences of how learning the history of a community can shape the way we understand and love our neighbors. Kate helps us consider the effects of gentrification and how we can honor people well. Additionally, she shares about her personal exploration of her own family of origin’s history and how understanding her history has shaped her own practices of lament, repentance, and justice.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/love-your-neighbor-interview-kate-denson
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Advent in Academia: Three Conversations
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
In this second episode of our special Advent mini-series, Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews three women in the midst of academia about how they practice Advent in conjunction with the academic calendar. Listen in on our conversations with full-time graduate student en route to medical school Charlene Brown, teacher and graduate student Alison Pichel, and campus chaplain Rev. Amy Shorner-Johnson. Join us in thinking about how to stay present to God and to our communities in the frenzy of the last few weeks of the semester.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/advent-academia-three-conversations
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Advent Traditions: Three Conversations
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
In this special Advent episode, Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews three guests from different Christian traditions, Rev. Ellen Williams Hensle, Sister Jocelyn Edathil, M.D., and Pastor Sarah Cowan Johnson, about their personal Advent practices. We hope you'll find something in these interviews that resonates with you as we enter this season of waiting together.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/advent-traditions-three-conversations
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Mind, Body, and Soul: An Interview with Aundi Kolber
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Listen in on Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik’s conversation with Licensed Professional Counselor Aundi Kolber. A survivor of trauma, Aundi Kolber invites us to consider how to tend to our mental health in the midst of life in academia. As a trauma-informed clinician, Aundi offers knowledge about the impact of trauma on our overall health and narrative as well as wisdom about when and how to seek professional counseling. As a person of faith in Christ, Aundi shares with us the way her faith impacts her work as a counselor and how her understanding of psychology has shaped her faith.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/mind-body-and-soul-interview-aundi-kolber
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Healing Our Broken Humanity: An Interview with Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim, co-author of Healing Our Broken Humanity (IVP). In this conversation Dr. Kim offers her perspective on how the Church can be renewed through both individual and communal spiritual practices. Dr. Kim invites us to consider a variety of practices, including lament, peacemaking, and restoring justice, as well as the role of the Holy Spirit in revitalizing the Church.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/healing-our-broken-humanity-interview-dr-grace-ji-sun-kim
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Friday Sep 28, 2018
Tesser Well: An Interview with Sarah Arthur
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions Associate Caroline Triscik interviews Sarah Arthur, author of the recently published A Light So Lovely: The Spiritual Legacy of Madeleine L'Engle, Author of A Wrinkle in Time (Zondervan). We hope you'll enjoy this conversation including the influence of story, the effect of Madeleine's writing in bringing renewal of faith for the wavering, and a glimpse into Sarah Arthur's own spiritual journey.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/tesser-well-interview-sarah-arthur
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
The Shape of a Call: An Interview with Tish Harrison Warren
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions director, Karen Guzmán talks with Tish Harrison Warren about a myriad of topics including vocation and calling, truth and beauty, settling into a new place, whether women and men think about work differently, and spiritual practices for busy women.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/shape-call-interview-tish-harrison-warren
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Speaking Truth: An Interview with Kathy Khang
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Listen in as Women in the Academy and Professions associate Caroline Triscik interviews Kathy Khang, author of the recently published Raise Your Voice: Why We Stay Silent and How to Speak Up (IVP). We hope you are encouraged by the wisdom she offers us in developing our own voices by sharing some of her journey of raising her voice.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/speaking-truth-interview-kathy-khang
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Discipleship Across the Ages: An Interview with Karen Wright Marsh
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Listen in as the editor at The Well interviews Karen Wright Marsh, author of the recently published Vintage Saints and Sinners: 25 Christians Who Transformed My Faith (IVP).
Vintage Saints is a lovely invitation to meet some new friends in faith, but also to look at our own stories of faith and to identify the people who have been for us faithful companions along the way. With permission, we published two excerpts at The Well. We chose two women whom we hadn’t met before, and who had public voices despite their gender, beginnings, and cultural contexts. As fellow women seeking to follow God’s calling in academic work and faithful witness, we hope you enjoy meeting Karen Marsh and her "old friends."
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/discipleship-across-ages-interview-karen-wright-marsh
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Interview with Dr. Mary Poplin
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
This past winter, the Women in the Academy and Professions book club read Finding Calcutta: What Mother Teresa Taught me about Meaningful Work and Service by Dr. Mary Poplin. On our final call together, Dr. Poplin joined us for conversation about the book and her current work and life in the university. We hope you enjoy listening to the conversation as much as we did having it.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/challenges-university-world-interview-dr-mary-poplin
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Interview with Dr. Amy Davis Abdallah - Part 2
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
We continue our conversation with Dr. Amy Davis Abdallah about her work on The Book of Womanhood, beginning with a discussion about the four crucial relationships she believes women ought to understand and nurture.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/exploring-womanhood-our-podcast-interview-amy-davis-abdallah-part-2
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Amy Davis Abdallah Interview - Part 1
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
What does it mean to be a Christian woman? What are the significant experiences along the way from girlhood to womanhood? How does one know when they arrive?
Full of these and other questions, Dr. Amy Davis Abdallah of Nyack College did her PhD work on the rite of passage, particularly as it relates to Christian women. This work serves as the basis for The Book of Womanhood( Cascade Books, 2015) and a corresponding experience (Woman) that she leads for senior women at Nyack.
In this interview, Amy talks about Woman, its content and impact on the lives of women, and the value of women helping girls and younger women along the journey of becoming healthy godly women.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/exploring-womanhood-our-podcast-interview-amy-davis-abdallah-part-1
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!

Saturday Feb 10, 2018
Interview with Kim King
Saturday Feb 10, 2018
Saturday Feb 10, 2018
Kim King's first book, When Women Give (IVP), was released in the fall of 2017. In our conversation with Kim, she talks about why she wrote the book, some of her expereinces along the way toward becoming a generous giver, and what God has been teaching her. She shares why she thinks this is a critical issue for women in our audience and she invites us to join her in this journey.
For show notes or more information, please visit http://thewell.intervarsity.org/podcasts/generous-life-our-podcast-interview-kim-king
If you would like to support the work of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, including future podcasts such as this episode, you can do so at givetoiv.org/wap. Thank you for listening!